EU Reference Centre for Animal Welfare
Welcome to the European Reference Centre for animal welfare for Aquatic animals
EURCAW Aqua has been created in 17th of January 2024 in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document C(2024) 209), a European Union reference centre for the welfare of aquatic animals
European Sea bass Trasport and Slaughtering Workshop in Barcelona
Workshop restricted to EURCAW members and representatives of European and National competent authorities.The objective of this workshop is to inform about the state of the art of the current advances and knlowlege gaps on European seabass welfare, particularly in...
Workshop for the National Competent Authorities on carp harvest
Hosted by the European Reference Centre for Welfare of Aquaculture Animals (EURCAW-AQUA) Date: 3.12.2024.Location: Prague, Czech RepublicTarget Audience: National Competent Authorities Language: English with Czech interpretation Workshop Overview: This workshop is...
EURCAW-Aqua Online Workshop on Rainbow Trout Welfare
Date: 4th November 2024Time: 09:00 – 12:40 CETPlatform: Zoom (Link will be sent upon registration)Language: English (with Czech translation available)Cost: Free of charge (financed by EURCAW - Aqua)Registration Deadline: 31st October...

Our Vision
The European Union Reference Centre for the Welfare of Aquatic Animals (hereafter the EURCAW-Aqua) will mainly focus on the welfare of fish, cephalopods and decapods. Priority will be given to farmed aquatic species of economic significance for European aquaculture. The EURCAW-Aqua is structured and operated to address the main challenges in assessing the welfare of aquatic organisms, namely the large number of farmed species, the diversity of farming systems and the uniqueness of different aquatic environments, all of which can influence the welfare needs of the animals. The EURCAW-Aqua will conduct and facilitate the research in the underdeveloped area of aquatic animals’ welfare, and will engage in public outreach and awareness campaigns through public lectures and exhibitions.
Services and activities
The EURCAW-Aqua will establish a portfolio of competitive services for the EU institutions (European Commission, European Parliament, European Council, Court of Justice of the European Union) and National Competent Authorities (NCA) of EU member states, based on sound scientific knowledge and operational excellence.
The EURACAW-Aqua has identified five main areas of activities/supporting tasks:
- Coordinated assistance
- Animal welfare indicators, methods for the assessment and methods of improvement
- Scientific and technical studies
- Training courses
- Dissemination research findings and innovation activities.